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Storytelling Online

Online storytelling sessions for children and adults – 100% education and 100% entertainment!

Students, adults and children, need stories more than ever, so let’s give them Interactive Storytelling Sessions Online, through Zoom. The sessions may be with participants in separate places at home (during lockdown) or with the teacher in the classroom with her/his students and Rebecca telling the stories remotely. I have been working in this way for almost three years now, with Palestinian teachers and their students in Gaza as well as with students around the world. The sessions are as interactive as always, with students learning some vocabulary and performing different activities around the story, writing in the chat and/or speaking directly to each other and to me. Contact me for more information and to arrange a session in your school or academy.

Example trailer for teens and adults
Example trailer for Young Learners

The stories are told in English. They are chosen to suit students interests, level and ages. In workshops, students are asked to predict, role play similar situations and discuss ideas found in the stories. Drama activities are sometimes used as warmers, and children and encouraged to act parts of the story.


  1.  Expose the students to the language they have been learning in context.  
  2.  Promote an enjoyable intense listening and speaking experience
  3.  Motivate the students who realise they can follow and understand a full story or performance in English. 

More information for secondary and adult sessions and themes here.

More information for primary sessions and themes here

Facebook Live Sessions for Spanish Speaking children: Musicuentos en inglés.

FACEBOOK LIVE en la pagina Storytelling for English Learners @storiesandtefl
PARA QUIEN? Alumn@s de primaria hispanohablantes aprendiendo el inglés.
QUE? Un cuento con la participación de los alumnos (canción, repetición, comentarios, etc).
OBJETIVO: escuchar el inglés en contexto, hablar repitiendo unas frases hechas durante el cuento, disfrutar del idioma.
CUANDO? Jueves: 19h30-19h50 hora de España.

Example trailer
Full session: The man who sold hats.