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Sessions coming up this week: One on grief and one on Facing our Own Death. We use a traditional story to open the conversation and encourage an exploration of our current feelings and thoughts about the subject. For those of you who work in grief and as doulas it is also an example of how to use storytelling and creativity with the people we accompany. there is a nominal fee to pay to support the festival.

More info and tickets here:…/exploring…/

and here:…/exploring…/

GRIEF AND LOSS: In this first workshop in a series of two, a traditional story will be the seed to spark conversations and personal reflections around grief and how loss may be transformed. We will explore loss and grief whether referring to an individual, a relationship or a lifestyle. Wednesday 6 July 2022, 2:30pm, online

DANCING WITH DEATH: In this second workshop in this series, a traditional story will be the seed to spark conversations and personal reflections around facing our own death, the fear of dissolution and how to leave loved ones behind. Saturday 9 July 2022, 2:30pm, online

Both workshops are led by Rebecca Lemaire and Maggid Jim Brulé and are representative of the ongoing workshops and series they provide online, in which they take the participants on an exploration of death and life through stories and creativity. The objective is to investigate one’s current feelings and inner state, open difficult conversations, and hopefully uncover a space of stillness and peace to hold whatever storms may come. Rebecca and Jim are professional storytellers and also draw on their experience as Reiki healers, meditation teachers, sound healers and death doula (Jim) to create a safe and intimate space to share.

If you hold a full festival pass, you may attend this workshop without additional charge, but YOU MUST book a ticket as places are extremely limited. This workshop is not included in the digital pass, please book separately.

Duration: 90 minutes

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